The Freeport Pretzel football team has struggled in years past, but Coach Anthony Dedmond hopes this year will be different. Here’s three things that sticks out to Coach Dedmond about last year and what he hopes to change:
How do you feel last season went?
“I definitely feel we did not play to our potential we let a few go we should’ve had definitely injures hurt but all in all just could have put a little more work in some areas so ya we definitely under achieved last year,” Dedmond said.
What did you learn from last season?
“Personally that you could want all the success in the world for an individual but unless they want it for themself can anything come out of it”
What’s different from this season to last?
“Definitely the leadership I think the leaders the upperclassman are definitely leaders and the underclassman follow something different I think previous years we kind of had that conflict of you can’t tell me what to do you think you better than me I think now kind of looking up to those upperclassman and that’s where they wanna get too”